So, why are we here?

Here we are, dear reader, you and I.  Are you ready to talk about love?  Think you that this is a colossally stupid idea for a blog? Well, you may be right.  I’ll withhold my judgement for now, and maybe you will do the same?  I want to talk about this strange, captivating, fearful, mysterious thing the we call “love.”  At least for a little while, and I’ll tell you why.  I want to talk about it because it has taken me on a long, strange trip, and I need to make some sense of it, try and put into words what is at this moment subcutaneous current.  And I figured, why not process in front of the whole world, anonymously.  Yeah, a bit cowardly.  Oh well.

Feel free to leave your thoughts here, if you wish.  I’m open to discussing.  I do have a nagging suspicion that I may be the only one here, however.  Oh well, again.  I will do my best to put something of merit here every so often.  But I guess you’ll be the judge of that, eh?  So, the great experiment (or catharsis? therapy?) begins.  Let’s dig in…

When you fall in love you kind of go crazy for a while, you’ll do almost anything for that person.  It’s all hormones and pheromones and I don’t know what other kind of ‘mones.  It’s a great feeling, but it’s mindless.  You basically turn off your reasoning and common sense (assuming you had any of that in the first place), and you act – no, you react – viscerally, sensually1.  But like I said, it’s a great feeling.  It’s a high better than any drug and a rush better than any thrill-ride.  To be clear, I’m all for it.  I think it’s great.  I do.

But (there’s always a “but,” isn’t there?), it can’t sustain. You ever been high?  Or drunk?  Probably  you have, if you’re like most, but have you ever been high or drunk for 12 hours straight? It’s possible. How about 24?  Well, maybe.  Have you ever been wasted for a week straight?  A month?  Have you ever been totally blotto for five years?  That’s a stupid question, right?  Because no one can be in an emotionally altered state for a sustained period of time.  It would kill you.  Have you ever had an orgasm that lasted so long you celebrated its anniversary?

So that brings us to the point here.  Why, when we fall “in love,” do we expect that feeling to last forever?  Who said it should be like that?  And why did we believe them?  Let me leave you to ponder that for now.  I have my thoughts on this matter, and, since it’s my blog, I’ll give them to you.

Next time.


1 Sensually:  1.) Relating to physical or sexual pleasure. 2.) Relating to the body or senses as opposed to the mind.



7 thoughts on “So, why are we here?

  1. cyberdmary says:

    The feeling of being “in love” comes and goes. What holds people together is the foundation, the friendship and the genuine caring for each other that should have started before the in love feeling… otherwise, it’s just infatuation. Of course that’s not to say that a friendship and caring can not grow out of this, but I would think it’d be easier to grow that first.
    This coming from the girl who is famous for NOT being friends first and falling too quickly. I’m working on changing that. Kudos on your journey. Glad we crossed paths.

    • That’s a great point. You’ve touched on an area I will be talking about in my next post. Thanks for taking the time to comment, cyberdmary! Good luck with your work in progress.

  2. Rob says:

    Our only reason for being is to donate the next generation. Sex is how we’re here and it’s why we’re here. We rule supreme over all known animals because of our superior intelligence. The price we pay for that is the very slow development of our offspring and the vulnerability of our pregnant and nursing females. Our defence against this weakness is the bond (or love) between sexual partners.
    What you describe above is the socialisation of basic animal instincts that made us what we are. Without those instincts, neither you nor anyone else would be here to discuss the issue.

    • Thanks for your thoughts, Rob. You flatter me by reading existentialism into the title of this blog post. I’m not that deep. :-/ What I meant was, Why is this blog here? Why are you reading it? Why am I writing it? But I appreciate your ideas and I’m glad you shared.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I think I was the only one who voted. Do I win a prize? 😉
    I liked your first blog. You will be writing more, yes?

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